Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Things I Like: Rain Boots Edition

I would like to start a new, and hopefully reoccurring, theme of post called Things I Like. This is where I tell you about things that I find on the internet that I like and you listen. Capeesh?

This time I want to tell you about how much I adore rain boots. You may call them Wellies, or Galoshes, but they all mean the same thing. Absolutely adorable boots.

One particular site I've found really cute ones at is Rainco.

Like this one. You can't really tell in this picture, but the tiny pink dots are actually flamingos. Awesome.

Here's another one I like from there. I am a sucker for polka dots though.

Pink and Lime Big Dots

Can't you just see yourself splashing in puddles? Keeping your feet dry and stylish all at one time? Yes, yes I can.

They also have some kick ass umbrellas that if I had children/was a child would totally buy. They have umbrellas shaped like clown fish. Who doesn't need one of those?

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