Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Things I Like: Rain Boots Edition

I would like to start a new, and hopefully reoccurring, theme of post called Things I Like. This is where I tell you about things that I find on the internet that I like and you listen. Capeesh?

This time I want to tell you about how much I adore rain boots. You may call them Wellies, or Galoshes, but they all mean the same thing. Absolutely adorable boots.

One particular site I've found really cute ones at is Rainco.

Like this one. You can't really tell in this picture, but the tiny pink dots are actually flamingos. Awesome.

Here's another one I like from there. I am a sucker for polka dots though.

Pink and Lime Big Dots

Can't you just see yourself splashing in puddles? Keeping your feet dry and stylish all at one time? Yes, yes I can.

They also have some kick ass umbrellas that if I had children/was a child would totally buy. They have umbrellas shaped like clown fish. Who doesn't need one of those?

Sunday, September 28, 2008


So 4 years ago, I decided I wanted a tattoo. I made the decision on a Friday, dragged a friend along, found the first tattoo parlor i could, and got myself one. It was a little moon and star about the size of a quarter. The place, while it looked like a hovel, did things by the book and everything they needed for the actual tattoo seemed clean. I sat down and about 10 minutes and 30 dollars later I had my very own tattoo. At the time, I was so proud that I had anything that I didn't really notice that my particular ink wasn't very good. The edges were fuzzy and the color was not done well. It basically looked like someone had smeared it, like ballpoint pen ink that hasn't dried.

Well, I lived with my lame little tattoo for 4 years. Hiding it (it's on my lower back, so this wasn't hard) and not admitting to actually having a tattoo if the subject ever came up. However, after Friday, my shame is no longer. I now have a legit and awesome tattoo! My artist managed to take the one I had and enhance it and add to it. See for yourself the finished project:

I have a picture of the previous one and will try to post that so everyone can see how remarkable improvement it really is.

I went with one of my best friends to get the tattoo. We have been planning this for about a month together and I have been planning to get mine fixed for about 2 years. She got an awesome blue puzzle piece on the inside of her wrist.

I have read various pieces of literature recently on how tattoos have become "untaboo" and almost mainstream in our society. It's an interesting idea. I also find it interesting to get certain people's view point on them. I love mine and would consider getting more in a heartbeat if I could afford them. My boyfriend doesn't care if I have them, but doesn't want one himself. He says it's because there is nothing he would want permanently on his skin. I suppose I can understand that, but I don't agree. I think life is way too short to not have a little fun along the way. I am also all for self expression and I think this is one of the best ways to do it.

Wonder what I should get next.......

Friday, September 26, 2008

The only one

There are some things that I do that I think I might be the only one who does that. I'm hoping I'm not though. Prove me wrong.

1. Dress up when going to get my hair done. For some reason, I feel the need to look good in front of my hairdresser. Like if she thinks I look good, this will somehow inspire her to do a better job on my hair. In reality, she probably could care less about what the rest of me looks like. I also have only recently come to be able to not style my hair before going to get it cut/dyed/whatever. I used to actually take the time to do even though I knew she would just be washing it anyway. I have gotten better.

2. Cry/tear up when someone wins on the price is right. They just seem so happy and so surprised. Double if it's an old lady.

3. Download free trials of Internet games. All the time. And check for new ones everyday. If I find one I especially like, I'll download it from a variety of sources to keep playing it.

Perhaps I am not along in these things and you are a strange individual too?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wednesday Madness

Wednesdays are the best. There's Top Model and Project Runway. Be still my heart. Don't continue to read this if you don't want to be spoilered.

Top Model: I am so loving this cycle. While I can still tell who is going to be bottom two (it is a skill I have honed after 11 cycles of this shit), I didn't actually know who was going home this week. Isis hadn't lived up to the potential that everyone thought she should have, but Samantha really pissed off that designer. However, it's Tyra that makes the decisions and she was done with Isis. I liked Isis and thought she could really be striking in photos but I guess the whole confidence thing really got to her. The cynical part of me wonders why they had two swim suit/water photo shoots in a row when they knew that she was uncomfortable. Hmmmmm.
Also of interest in the episode:
  1. Analeigh rocked! This girl is my favorite and I am so glad she did well. I also love Lauren Brie. Hooray for Laurens!
  2. Did anyone else notice how Tyra totally snapped at Paulina during panel when Paulina expressed an opinion opposite Tyra's? Me thinks this may be Paulina's last year on panel.
  3. Hannah is gone. I don't have much of an opinion on this besides it was an interesting turn of events to eliminate someone midway though the episode.

Project Runway:

This was an okay episode. I knew they were going to be designing clothing for each other, but I didn't know about the twist of having to design for a musical genre. I still don't know if I liked it or not. I thought some of the genres lent themselves to over exaggeration better than others. Of course this could be because I am totally biased and want LeAnne to win.

Here's the breakdown:

LeAnne designed a country outfit for Korto

Korto designed a punk outfit for Suede

Suede designed a rock outfit for Jerell

Jerell designed a pop outfit for Kenley

Kenley designed a hip hop outfit for LeAnne

Out of those genres, punk and rock can really lend themselves to being outlandish but somehow still accepted within society. Hip hop and pop to an extent as well. Country I think though, if LeAnne had really taken it all the way to the extreme, it would have been ridiculous. Like she said, there is a fine line between that and costume. As for Korto winning, I was fine with that. I liked the bleached pants a whole lot.

And as much as it pains me to say, I wish Kenley had gone home over Suede. I don't think Suede is very talented outside of the very small party dress realm, but at least he can keep his attitude in check. Kenley? No one talks back to Tim Gunn. You don't have to take his advice (although that seems to always prove to be a bad idea), but you shouldn't ever talk back to the man. I wish you would leave my tv screen. I also wish you wouldn't blame LeAnne for not being hip hop enough on the runway as the fault for your awful outfit. Shut up.

So in summary Suede out. Korto wins. Jerell is second. LeAnne third and Kenley in last. As she always should be. One step closer to my girl LeAnimal taking the title at Bryant Park!!!

Tomorrow is the Office premiere!